Episode 300: New Year’s Special

Same stock photo as New Year 2019!

Well friends, welcome to a whole new decade!

In this special episode, we revisit our cooking resolutions from last year and share the fresh ones we’ve got for 2020.

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16 thoughts on “Episode 300: New Year’s Special”

  1. Happy New Year! This was a fun episode to listen to and reminded me of how well you complement each other as hosts. Thank you for mentioning the kitchen journal idea. I have been keeping something like this for a few years now, recording what I make every week and new recipes I have tried. I will be taking it to the next level in 2020 by recording what I don’t make, too, as a way to reduce food waste and monitor my eating more closely. Keep up the great work in 2020, I will be checking for your podcast first thing every Wednesday!

    1. That is a great idea about recording what you don’t make. I never thought of that, thank you so much for a great tip! And thank you for listening ๐Ÿ™‚

  2. Happy New Year! HUGE thanks to both of you for continuing the podcast and the home cooking encouragement you bring to myself and others ๐Ÿ™‚

    Joy – you’ve shown amazing perseverance through the past year and I think your food resolutions sound great! I laughed when you said that you didn’t want Dan to install the backsplash.

    Marisa – way to keep cooking! I didn’t cook in the same way I used to when my son was a baby but found that it kept me connected in a way that made a big difference for my mental health. I made his baby food and had fun blending things up in a little mini food processor. I even made rice cereal and oatmeal for him (blitzed up the uncooked grains, sifted out the big bits, and cooked in water before storing in the fridge to reheat as needed).

    1. Thank you Jennifer! You don’t have any great backsplash installers to recommend? If you do, let me know!!!

  3. Just want to say that I found your podcast last year and binge listened through old episodes. I’m enjoying hearing where you both are at now and am still totally interested! I look forward to your #vegan2020 year Joy and all the ways you will create tasty plant based inspiration. And Marisa, as a working mom I can really relate to what you’re describing–just continuing to cook and “good enough meals”. You guys are fun to listen to!

    Happy new year!

    1. Thank you so much! We love to hear this. We really appreciate your spending time with us.

  4. Love the podcast. Itโ€™s a nice reminder of the year I lived in Center City.

    My new yearโ€™s intention is to cycle through my pantry and freezer. Nothing in until Iโ€™ve used up whatโ€™s there. And also to actually cook from my many cookbooks. On NY day, I cooked a new chili/stew from a cookbook and used up some dried beans and a couple of canned goods and a bunch of peppers from the freezer. I can take off the rest of the year, right?

    1. That’s a great and I might add challenging resolution. I’m trying to do some of that myself! Your chili sounds so good on a cold day like today!

  5. Happy New Year!

    I’m not quite as ambitious as KarenB, though I do also want to make better use of what’s in my pantry and freezer. I’ve gotten much better on the pantry side over the last year โ€” freezer, not so much.

    Related to the food-hoarding mentioned in the show: Yes, I do want to have beans and pasta and rice on hand at all times, but perhaps not five varieties of each.

    Thank you so much for your wonderful podcast! I’m going through the archive now, and every episode is a gem!

    Steve Taylor

    1. Thanks so much Steve! We’re so glad you are enjoying it. I recently actually emptied, defrosted, and inventoried my chest freezer which was a pain to do but is immensely helpful!

      1. Doing an inventory of freezer items is definitely admirable. I was curious to see if there’s an app for that. Fridge Hero looks pretty interesting and is available for iOS and Android. NoWaste also looks good, though it is only available for iOS. I’ll try them out and let you know how they work for me.

        1. Please do! For the moment, the google spreadsheet I’m using is working pretty well.

  6. One of my New Year’s resolutions is to stop listening to the same old music and instead listen to more inspiring podcasts while I’m driving to/from work and walking/running. This is the first podcast of yours that I listened to and I really enjoyed it! I love the kitchen journal idea and plan to start keeping better track of what I am cooking each month. I am excited to listen to your archives and hear updates about how each of your are doing with your goals of “Vegan 2020” and “Just keep cooking… just keep cooking…” ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I am definitely a podcast junkie. What are your favorites at the moment? Thanks so much for choosing us to keep you company on your commute and while you work out ๐Ÿ™‚

  7. Excited to hear about #Vegan2020 and what you come up with Joy! I want to incorporate more vegan/plant based eating — for feeling better and eating more delicious and diverse dishes. I love Deliciously Ella’s cookbooks (just need to remember to cook from them) and want to find some more reliable sources for inspiration. I look forward to any resources, tips, or tasty dishes you uncover this year!

    1. Thanks Diana. I don’t think everybody needs to be vegan, but I definitely think on the whole we have to eat more plants for our health and our planet. I will check out Deliciously Ella. I have really been loving the books “Isa Does it” and “Vegan Cooking for Everybody” from America’s Test Kitchen, fwiw.

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